Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Hey everybody. Sorry its been so long. So here's the update. School's going well. My class are pretty cool. I really like my Introduction to Missions class with Chuck White. I've gotten some interesting questions like "Why are you taking this class?" Its fun. We watched "Beyond the Gates of Splendor." I love that story. I've been hanging out a lot with Juan Cordova in his room. He's a cool guy. We speak spanish together and it bugs everybody. Also I've been hanging out with a girl in my Soc100 class. Her name is Ashlee Lemmon and she's from Minnesota. I've seen her everyday since about a week before Valentines Day. We talk about church and missions and class and people. We talked about dating and decided that we had decided before this year that we weren't going to date until next year. Then a few days ago we set some boundaries for our friendship. CAV is going well. I'm giving guitar lessons on thursdays and I'm leading worship two weeks in every month. My friends are great there. So I'll be posting more often now.


Juanis Chanis said...

boundaries=good idea. proud of you chico. also, i'm so excited to see you this weekend!

Steven said...

most concerted post ever. you're a man of few words mark.