Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A beautiful day

Today is B-E-A-utiful day. Its funny how winter can play tricks on us and make us appriciate nice weather that much more. After I wrote that I checked the temperature. It is currently 36 degrees outside. Earlier today I was walking around outside in a t-shirt and thinking about it now I realize that six months ago I would have been freezing, whereas all I was thinking about today was how sunny it was. With no clouds the sun shone down bright, and instead of saying that its almost freezing outside, I said it was a beautiful day. And it is because its not 20 degrees and cloudy with a chance of snow. I'm not saying I don't like that weather I just think that after so long of it a sunny day is nice. So cheers to a beautiful day.

In other news I was in class yesterday and Chuck White mentioned David Hume. Hume said that there is no way to prove cause and effect, the continuity of nature, or objectivity. The name caught my attention and I racked my brains to think of where I had heard it. Then it hit me. In Lost Desmond's full name is Desmond David Hume. Coincedence? I think not. Everything in Lost is connected to something and it all happens for a reason. So I'd like for any readers (I think I'm up to about 9) who also watch Lost to comment on this if you so choose.

Hope you all have a great day


Dusterdw said...

I know what you mean about it being a beautiful day… I’m going to go running right now.

Hume… for irony sake, ponder the causal effects of his anti-cause and effect philosophical premise. Implications?? Although pondering this is like defining post-modern philosophy… the act of doing it is contrary to it itself.

Steven said...

if it was 36 degrees here, people would be wearing every article of clothing they own. We don't wear T-shirts until it hits the 80s.

Caro Bella said...

T-shirt? Thirty-six degrees? You musty be a little insane jejeje... It's sixty here and i'm wearing a jacket. =) All the same, it is nice to have a "nice" day every now and then.

Jake Sinko said...

Dude...nothing wrong with a t-shirt and 36 degrees...It's the Michigan way...