Monday, June 11, 2007


So for anyone who didn't know for whatever reason, I got a job at starbucks. I went in for the first time today and had to sign stuff and read stuff, and then read some more. I had fun though. The people I'm going to be working with are cool and I think once I get the hang of where everything is and how to make it all it'll be great working there. Mom is going to cringe when she reads this but its 1:45 and all I've had today is two grande mochas and some coffee at the end of my shift when we taste-tested Verona coffee (which was good by the way). Overall I think I am going to like it there.

I had a good weekend. I had lunch at the pastor's house on saturday and got to talk to him and Marina for awhile. Then after the quinciñera saturday night I went over to Stephen Stoller's house with Adriel where we watched amovie and caught up on everything going on (it was Stoller's birthday). Then on Sunday we had a good Sunday school class and afterward we ate at the mall. Then we went to the Tech and played fútbol rápido and basketball. Then I drove back up to Tucson with Leonardo David. Overall a great weekend.

Random thoughts: Ocean's Thirteen is definitely a good movie, I'm pretty hungry right now, its nice to be earning money again, James is a sweet book (I've been studying it for about three weeks now and I've learned so much), I don't have anything in the Mullet House that I can make myself for lunch, and will mom ever use her blog?

Have a great day. I'll be posting more often now I think.


Juanis Chanis said...

mark. food is good. eat it.

Caro Bella said...

good... I'm glad to hear that