Thursday, November 29, 2007


So here you go:

Today (Thursday) tens of thousands of people marched in the capital of a South American nation to oppose proposed amendments to their constitution.

For one point: Which country?
For one point: When was that country's constitution written?
For one point: What would the amendments do?

Have fun


Marco Aurelio said...

1. Caracas, Venezuela
2. 1999
3. Among other things the changes would eliminate presidential term limits, create forms of communal property and give greater power to the presidency.

Hugo Chavez grabbing for power, and further proof that it's amazing that our constitution has lasted so long. The founding fathers sure knew what they were doing.

Bentley said...

let me have 1.5 points for 1 and half of 3.

Unfortunatley it is herd for dictator to lose an election

Caro Bella said...

I got 1 point- Venezuela. I had an idea for number three but was completely lost on #2.

sonrisa said...

So I didn't know the answer the other day...but I read the paper yesterday and I know that he can't be reelected technically I do know the answer today and I know the results...which means that I am the smartest!! Ha just kidding. I still didn't know number 2.
I am glad that it wasn't ammended.
Nice to see you blogging!

Juanis Chanis said...

good job mark. I didn't know any of that.

Steven said...

I'll take all the points...but only because I had just read an aconomist article on the very subject about 20 minutes before taking it, and was therefore able to remember that Hugo Chavez himself helped to write the constitution only a few years ago.

I bet Jane is wishing she had her economist back.