Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Don't we all?

so its a little hard to read but the important part is the last panel where rat says "I really really miss bill watterson"

I do to rat

also a scary report :

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

On Sharing Faith

So I did not end up writing yesterday because I was doing more productive things. Like going to Starbucks at River and Campbell with Colton to do our bible study. In our nav study we're studying Jesus and what he said on different topics. This week was Jesus on faith sharing. We did the first section which took 5 different stories and said to look at what Jesus said and did. They were Nicodemus, Zaccheus, The Woman at the well, in the pharisee's house, and the lawyer. It was good time really. One of the really challenging yet encouraging parts was Luke 4:38. Its right toward the end of the Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well. He's talking to the disciples and he says, "I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor." I read this and saw it two ways. The first is that we can not obviously, take any credit for someone who believes after we talk to them. The second is that we cannot be discouraged just because we don't personally see the results. We may be the second part of twenty people that influence a person on a path to Jesus. We may help plant the seed that someone else will water and someone entirely different will harvest. (For more on this analogy see 1 Corinthians 3:1-9) So its challenging because we may never see the results of our labor here on earth but encouraging because we may see the results when we are presented before God.

So keep on working. Keep on sharing. Keep on discipling because God is there with you.

Monday, October 13, 2008


So I bet you all thought I was going to have some profound thought on jealousy...well I don't. I'm just jealous of my sisters who are currently in Michigan visiting David, Adrienne, and Bentley. I want to go :(

Oh well I'll meet him sometime soon...

Have a great week everyone. I'll post something more interesting on Wednesday i think. Maybe tomorrow cause I have a good portion of the afternoon free.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Spare thoughts

So I'm back in the library with some time to spare. Time to reflect on how out of shape I am. Last weekend I hurt my foot running barefoot and today my calf is sore from jumping at a concert on saturday. Of course it didn't help any that I played soccer on it yesterday. Right now especially I can hardly do anything without getting tired. Partly because I'm kinda sick right now and partly because I'm actually trying to get in shape. We'll see how I do this week.

So I'm not sure how many off you know that we got a new manager for my starbucks. Her name's Annette and she worked with both Steven and David and told me to say hi so: hello from Annette. She's really done some great work at the store in the past few weeks that have made working there a lot easier. I'm really looking forward to these holiday's at my store.

Speaking of holiday's... what's the plan? Ideas anyone on how we the kids are going to do things for christmas?

Have a wonderful week.