Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I am disapointed because I haven't posted for 11 days and no one said anything to me.

Anyway, in response to Steven's question, after careful deliberation I have decided that I have to clasify this question somehow. For example if I am with a lot of people I would probably choose different places than if it was alone or with just a couple friends. But since I don't really have time to break it down that much I am just going to put down a few places from both. In no particular order:

The Cottage, The roof of the apartment/guest house/pool house (after 13 years I'm still not sure what to call it), Makinac Island, Rancho Betania, Manantial de Vida, Pete's house.

Then there are places where I'd like to go, but have either only gone once or have never gone to. Places that I think would be my favorite places if I could afford to go more often. In no particular order:

Six Flags Magic Mountain, Rockefeller Center Skating Rink, Mexico City, The World Cup (I don't care which country but its in South Africa in 2010 in case you were wondering), Scotland.

In other news I am doing well. I've been getting more excercise. I've played volleyball and ultimate frisbee and soccer all in the past week. I guess this is predictable because now that its getting warm outside I can go out more often. CAV is going really well. I started meeting with some guys on Mondays for a small group. And I'm catching up on work that I still have to do. I hope everyone is doing well.


Juanis Chanis said...

marcus, hehe, that athletic girl of yours getting you outside more?

Dusterdw said...

Walking the "P" loop with Ashlee doesn't count as excercise. LOL. But running it with her would:)

This cottage sounds like the place to be...its at the top of everyone's list.

Juanis Chanis said...

also. i'm disappointed that you spelled disappointed wrong.

Caro Bella said...

i L...O...V...E.. hanging at Pete's house and I also L...O...V..E... going to Magic Mountain. Oh and I am swimming regularly now.

Dusterdw said...

I’m disappointed that you haven’t blogged lately… you’ve had 4 days of break and no update.

Juanis Chanis said...

post already dork.

J said...

I am in the monday small group (B.A.S.I.C.) i think...

Jake Sinko said...

Dude...get your stuff done this week...