Monday, January 22, 2007

The end of vacation

I've decided that I really don't want to leave Nogales. And I'm really struggling with it. I know that I have to allow change and I know that I made the decision to go so far away but its still hard. Its been great hanging out with my friends and really making new ones. So its hard to leave it all to go back to school. A lot of my friends here have really grown in the Lord and its cool too see them stepping up not only in the youth group but also in the church. Right now of the five original members of the youth group one is the assistant music director, one is the director of a new dance ministry, and one is the director of the children's saturday morning club. I hate having to leave this great progress that the church is having especially in the youth group.

Having said this I am looking forward to going back. The classes I'm taking this semester look really cool and i know some people in almost all of them. Intro to Missions with Chuck White is one I'm especially looking forward to. Also working with Communidad Agua Viva is going to be fun. Its really going to either be a turning point or not. I ask for prayer to organize my life and to be able to take the initiative in my schoolwork.

So to summerize: I don't want to leave but I do want to go back. I have to accept change when God dishes it out. And I ask for prayer for this semester.


Steven said...

I'll be praying for you Mark.

I think it is amazing how God has gifted you in your interactions with your friends, and with meeting new people. You should think and pray about missions in Mexico when you graduate. I think you would be a great missionary.

bentley said...

I can sympathize with your feelings Mark. Going back to school must be hard...especially since you have such a stong attatchment to Nogales. Change is hard. I often long for Nogales.

Juanis Chanis said...

I hate transition too Marcus. I remember when I was at the Tec I almost stayed for the rest of college, but I eventually decided to go back to Wheaton. And who knows if it was the right choice or not. Because I might still be in Hermosillo if I had stayed instead of freezing my butt off here in Chi-town.