Monday, January 8, 2007

Random thoughts for the beginning of a random blog

So here's my first post on my blog that will soon be sweeping the nation as a stunning window into the life of a college student from Nogales. Ok not really but I hope to use this to keep anyone who cares updated on my thoughts actions and stuff like that. My posts probably won't be too long because I'm not that great at writing but I kind of hope that this will help me.
So I've been having fun at home this break. I had a good talk with Pastor Juan Carlos about ministry and such on saturday over a delicious meal of carne asada burritos. It really helped me get some thoughts straight and provided some clarity to an otherwise jumbled mind right now. I went to a birthday party for Marina yesterday that was a lot of fun. The whole youth group was there and a piƱata and a jumprope. Unfortunately the trampoline was broken but oh well. For those who didn't know I'm taking an online course. Thats going ok. I'm getting through it. I think I'll stop now because I'm out of ideas. I'll be back though.

1 comment:

Caro Bella said...

that is definitley what you call random! jeje