Monday, January 15, 2007

God's hand in everything

I'm taking a course online and one of the programs doesn't work on our computer. So we decided to try it on the Martin's computer in the Mission house. It worked and so Monday morning saw me at the Mission house working away on this program for my class. Now Sunday night it got down to 14 degrees in Nogales and by accident the heat wasn't on in the mission house. As I'm working I hear this dripping sound. I turned around and see that there's water literally pouring out of the ceiling. One of the pipes had frozen and busted and water was building up in the attic/crawl space. So I called Dad and Dad called Mom and different people ended up going over and we finally got the water turned off. There's some water damage and some work to be done but it should be ok. The point of my story is that if the program had worked on the computer here at the house then I wouldn't have been at the mission house and the water would still be on. The only thing stopping it would be the freezing temperatures at night. The water damages and water bill would be through the roof (or ceiling and carpet and pipes and furmiture and computer). So thanks be to God that it didn't work. His hand is indeed in everything.

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